Our story starts with loss as many stories of perseverance do. My brother David was a scientist, he wasn't around quite long enough to make that title official but what else would you call someone who conducts experiments just for the joy of discovering what happens? Of the six of us kids, I think we would all say he was the most curious and inventive. He was always learning about things I wouldn't have even thought to look into, and one of those many many things was a 3D printer. At the time that he was excitedly printing homemade fidget spinners, 3D printing seemed a little like magic to me. So, awed but intimidated, I praised his creations but didn't think much more about the machine. A few years after we lost him to a particularly vicious type of bone cancer, and our family was drifting apart without the glue that we didn't realize he represented, my brother Richard started tinkering with 3D printers again. He and David had been the closest in age and in friendship, sharing many of the same interests. I think it was a way to feel close to David again. Richard was gracious enough to share his new passion with me and it became a way to feel close to David for me too. Together we decided that maybe there was a way to bring the family back together, while also helping to repair the financial ruin that comes with battling a relentless disease like cancer. That's when Orb Weaver was born. We had a lot to learn. There were struggles, stumbles, and probably some of the highest highs and lowest lows I've even had, but bit by bit we're starting to see that dream take shape in the form of Orb Weaver and our sister company Creature Cove. We are, by no means, done learning and growing but I like to think that David might be proud to see how far we've come.